Pushing the boundaries
Our team of visionaries have been dedicated towards the single goal of perfecting the art of opalware for 35 years.
We are passionate to serve not just our consumers but also the environment. With this belief, we started an eco-friendly, state-of-the-art opal glass manufacturing facility at Uttarakhand in 2008. The will to take care of all the aspects of our society through innovation gives us a technological edge in bringing finesse to our products.
La Opala collaborated with South Korea’s Hosan Glass for technical assistance to manufacture opal glassware in 1988.
A range of 24% lead crystal glassware (Solitaire) was introduced by La Opala in technical collaboration with South Korea’s Doosan Glass in 1996. This diversification was funded through an IPO in 1995.

Fostering the values of consolidated and consistent growth, today La Opala has gone beyond being just an opal glassware brand to be perceived as a 'Designer Collection'. With development standards in place that match the guidelines set forth by Food & Drug Administration (FDA), USA, we have received the ISO 9001:2000 certification.
Our Commitment
At La Opala, we operate with a commitment to our environment-social-governance (ESG) goals at the heart of it.
We have always driven our business with a respect for systems, strategic clarity and environmental responsibility. In recent years, however, we have deepened the commitment to our ESG goals through institutionalisation, documentation and responsible target-setting.
- Environment component ensures that we consume environmentally responsible resources, utilise an optimal quantum of finite fossil fuels, recycle waste, moderate our carbon footprint and build resistance to climate change.
- Social component addresses our proactive investment in talent, relationships with both our customers and vendors, and social responsibility.
- Governance component indicates how we will conduct our business, indicating strategic clarity, explaining conduct codes, highlighting Board composition and indicating an alignment with UNGC principles and extensive de-risking, among others.

Aligning our business with the United Nations' principles with an emphasis on the following:
5Ps to a sustainable present and tomorrow.
These 5Ps represent our platform for business sustainability, our commitment to reconcile production growth and moderated carbon footprint.

Be a preferred employer among opalware companies in India
Increase productivity: driven by outperformance
Prudent recruitment of merit-driven talent
Driven by passion, youthfulness, delegation and stretch target-setting

A prominent opalware brand
Superior designs addressing enhanced pride
End-to-end knowhow from raw material sourcing to manufacture to customer engagement

Focus on getting more out of less
Focus on stretch target, measurement and outperformance
Institutionalised and digitised approach
Recruitment of specialised technology professionals

Retain market leadership despite rising competition
Strong brand; growing revenues
Better working capital management
Net cash company

Strive for moderate carbon footprint of the product
Investment in 3Rs (recycle, reuse and reduce)
Investment in cutting-edge technologies, enhancing manufacturing efficiency
Choose cleaner fuels, plants, resources and processes