From Humble Beginnings to Market Leaders

Heralding Image

Our journey to become the leading tableware manufacturer began with a simple but game-changing idea from our founder and Chairman Mr Sushil Jhunjhunwala. The idea of re-imagining and celebrating dining in all Indian homes with Opal Glass Tableware. He pioneered the concept of Opal Glass in India, and in the year 1988 launched La Opala, arguably the most popular brand of Tableware in the Country. Its unique designs, perfect finish, & sophistication at its best, made La Opala not only an instant success but also, aspirational, yet affordable amongst the Indian households.

Overwhelmed by its success, we stepped into the glittering world of Crystals and in the year 1995 we launched Solitaire Crystal, the first handmade crystal glass ware in the Country. Today we are proud to be the leading exporters of Crystal to over 40 Countries across the Globe. Today, La Opala is listed at National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange.Through its state-of-the-art technologies and innovations, La Opala continues to be the market leader in India and has gained popularity not only in India, but in more than 40 Countries across the Globe. Our innumerable achievements and accolades over many decades speak for themselves.

What keeps us at the forefront of innovation is our understanding of our audience and our readiness to meet their needs. We listen to our consumers and our driven by core values that help us deliver contemporary products and constantly meet the ever-evolving demands of society.


Of thought, action, and intent in maintaining the highest production and delivery standard.


In meeting the evolving needs, requirements, and aspirations of our customers, stakeholders, employees, and partners.


For innovation, growth, and development of our Company, Country, and Customer satisfaction.

Our Rich and Vibrant Legacy

An idea that completely changed India’s tableware landscape is now rapidly expanding its footprint globally. We believe it’s because of our constant endeavour to innovate and consistently meet our customer’s needs and requirements that ensured La Opala’s market leadership for three decades.


La Opala Glass Private Limited was incorporated. It Pioneered opal glass technology in India by stepping up the first opal glass plant at Madhupur, Bihar.


La Opala earned the distinction of being the first exporter of opal glass tableware.


La Opala became the first Public Limited tableware company in India.


Pioneered the 24% Lead Crystal Glassware technology in India by setting up the first Crystal Glass plant at Madhupur, Bihar. In the same year it launched India's first 24% Lead Crystal Glassware under the brand name of 'Solitaire'.


La Opala became the first Indian company to export 24% Lead Crystal Tableware.


La Opala Glass Ltd. merged with Radha Glass & Indistries Ltd., creating La Opala RG Ltd.


The Company was recognized as an Export House by the Government of India


The Company became the first in India to supply 24% Lead Crystal Glassware to the world renowned Rosenthal.

The Company set up a fully automated state-of-the-art plant at Sitargunj, Uttarakhand, to produce and launch Diva, the hi-tech world class opal brand in the premium segment.


The Company was ranked 250th among the top 400 small cap companies of India by Dalal Street.


The Company completed a major expansion at Sitargunj, Uttarakhand.


The Company was awarded the prestigious Bengal Corporate Awards by Economic Times for the most Innovative Business Model.

The Company was recognized as the Forbes Best Under a Billion "Top 200 Companies in Asia"

The Company was presented the "Star SME Medium Scale Manufacturing" at Business Today SME Awards.


The Company was awarded the prestigious ET Bengal Corporate Award for the Best Innovation in Business Model.


The Company was awarded the Economic Times Bengal Corporate Award for "Best Financial Performer in the Rs. 100 - 300 Crore Category"

The Company’s second furnace with a press line was installed at the Sitargunj Plant


The Company was awarded the Economic Times Bengal Corporate Award for "Best Financial Performer in the Rs. 100 - 300 Crore Category"

The Company set up the Decal Plant at the Sitargunj Unit


The Company was awarded the "Best CSR Idea" in the Economic Times Bengal Corporate Awards


The Company increased the capacity of the second furnace.

The Company was awarded the prestigious ET Bengal Corporate Award for Best Financial performance 2018 of 100 cr to 200 cr.

The Chairman, Shri Sushil Kumar Jhunjhunwala, was awarded the CK Somany Award from All India Glass Manufacturers' Federation.


The Company was presented with the Balakrishna Gupta Award for Exports by All India Glass Manufacturers' Federation


The Company’s Green Field Plant situated at Sitargunj, Uttarakhand, successfully commenced its commercial production.


The Company’s Chairman, Shri Sushil Kumar Jhunjhunwala, was presented the Business Lifetime Achievement Award from Sanmarg, the leading Hindi Newspaper Publication.